Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Interview with Bill Jones, Jr., and other links of interest

If you haven't already seen it on my Twitter, Google+ or Facebook accounts, I did an interview with Bill Jones, Jr. . He asked some great questions about my writing inspirations, genre motivations, and whether yeti crabs are awesome.

Hey, while I'm linking things, let's do a few more!

-- 25 Famous Thinkers and Their Inspiring Daily Rituals. Personally, I don't handle strict routines very well, so some of these people's habits seem like mysterious arcane rituals to me.

-- Judith Tarr posted about worldbuilding with horses. Has some good food for thought about why horses are well-suited for human use (although they're not just cars that run on hay).

-- Speaking of equines! My Little Pony Retrospective looks at the history of the franchise leading up to the new animated series. If you've wondered about the recent phenomenon of adults enjoying a series traditionally marketed to 6-year-old girls, well, this video makes some good points. (I do keep meaning to discuss the worldbuilding of the Friendship Is Magic series. It's surprisingly solid.)

-- And This Amazon.com listing for a $400 link cable has inspired some hilariously fictitious reviews. Because good signal quality allows you to transcend time and space, right? Right?

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